
Edward Feil Productions Collage

Internet-based Educational Tutorial on the Validation method

DVDs on the Validation method See Video Excerpts

Books on the Validation method

CD on the Validation method

Internet-based Educational Tutorial

Beginning Validation

A web-based tutorial that provides a good knowledge base and a great inservice training

Using the footage from new and vintage Feil Productions films, Ed Feil has produced an Internet-based Educational Tutorial: “Beginning Validation”. Content includes videos, text with narration, and interactive quizzes. Naomi Feil provides description of Validation principles and theory and demonstrates the use of Validation through role plays and interactions with the elderly. With 108 pages of content, this will provide an excellent basis to begin to learn Validation.

If you would like to review the tutorial,please create a Validation User Account with a username and password of your choosing at:

After you log in, you can access Beginning Validation at:

You will have access to the first 16 pages. After that, you will need to purchase a subscription for $50. For your students, colleagues or staff, you can save money by purchasing 5 one-year subscriptions for $200 ($40 each) or purchasing 10 one-year subscriptions for $300 ($30 each). Please email for quanity orders username



Introduction to Validation:
Communicating with very old people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s-type dementia

25 minutes

This DVD provides an excellent overview and introduction to the Validation Method. Using demonstrations by Naomi Feil and Vicki De Klerk working with people diagnosed Alzheimer's-type dementia, both principles and techniques are illustrated. This is a great DVD for those new to Validation as well as students of Validation. A great inservice teaching tool. $75 for professionals and $50 for family members ( Screen Shot from the video )

  • What is Validation
  • Qualities of a Practitioner
  • Principles
  • Who are the disoriented old
  • Resolution
  • Phase 1: Malorientation
  • Phase 2: Time Confusion
  • Phase 3: Repetitive Motion
  • Phase 4: Vegetation
  • Validation Techniques: Centering & Calibration
  • Verbal Techniques: Rephrasing, Open Questions, Polarity, Reminiscing, Ambiguity and Say their emotion,
  • Non-Verbal Techniques: Mirroring, Touch and Music

  • Pricing Plan

    The Four Phases Of Resolution

    8 minutes

    This DVD documents a final life struggle called resolution, which involves very old people diagnosed Alzheimer's-type dementia. $50 for DVD( Screen Shot from the video )

    In PHASE 1. Mal-orientation - the person is mostly oriented to time, place and person.

    In PHASE 2. Time Confusion - the person is not oriented to time and place

    In PHASE 3. Repetitive Motion - the person uses movements instead of speech to express human needs.

    In PHASE 4. Vegetation - the person has minimal movement, blank expression, no speech.

     In the final stage of resolution, buried emotions surface. The very old struggle to express themselves and need someone to listen with empathy: to "Validate" them.

    Myrna, The Mal-oriented

    25 minutes

    ( frame from the video ) This moving instructional video is suitable for professional and non- professional caregivers of Alzheimer's-type very old people.
     It teaches caregivers how to empathise with the "mal-oriented": very old people who blame and who cannot express feelings directly. The Validation® helping methods shown in this DVD can ease the frustration of caregivers, reduce the need for restraints, and may maintain the mal-oriented in their own homes.

    Part One:
    86 year old Myrna deteriorates physically and mentally, blaming her family and friends for her losses. She thus drives away her friends and frightens her family. Terrified of losing her identity, she accuses her caregiver of stealing her things. Myrna falls.

    Part Two:
    Myrna refuses help. Sally Ames, a Validation® worker slowly builds trust, makes mistakes and learns thereby. Myrna comes to trust the worker, and expresses some buried emotions. Her hostility lessens, and she develops a measure of peace.

     Video-graphics are used to pin-point Validation®principles and techniques. $75 for DVD

    Looking For Yesterday

    29 Minutes

    A sensitive, powerful documentary captures the pain of life in a nursing home while offering hope through Validation®, an innovative helping method that returns dignity.
     Excellent for all levels of hospital and nursing home staff, the DVD is an on-camera demonstration of Validation®. A skilful worker enter the inner world of very disoriented very old people, learns the meaning behind their bizarre behaviors and builds trust. The people develop speech, controls, and increased well- being and self-respect. $75 for DVD
     Produced through a grant from the Ohio Program in the Humanities.
     Winner of: Silver Medallion, 1978 Miami International Film Festival.
     U.S.I.A. Educational Certificate: 38,558

    100 Years to Live

    29 Minutes

    An excellent DVD that documents the helplessness and frustration of two very old women who face deteriorating health and increasing dependency. A 100 year old mother and her 80 year old daughter are forced to leave their home for a nursing home. The newsreel DVD covers two years in their families' lives, while old conflicts erupt. The viewer witnesses the 100-year-old mother survive the move while the 80-year-old daughter does not adapt. A skilled worker explores the deepest needs of the two very old women. This DVD invites discussion and self-awareness. $75 for DVD
     Produced through a grant from the Ohio Program in the Humanities.
     Winner of: Bronze Award, 1981 Houston International Film Festival
     U.S.I.A. Educational Certificate: 38,557

    The More We Get Together

    44 Minutes

    ( frame from the video )

    This "How-To" teaching video documentary is a sequel to the award- winning documentary Looking for Yesterday. It is intended for families of disoriented very old people, all levels of hospital community and nursing home staff, and students of aging. $75 for DVD

    • Part One: 20 Minutes: Basic Validation Techniques
    • How to recognize the three stages of disorientation
    • How to help actual disoriented individuals in each stage
    • How to build trust.
    • When to touch and when not to touch.
    • Part Two: 24 Minutes: Using a Validation Group
    • How to select individuals who will benefit
    • How to recognize individuals who will not benefit
    • How to begin the group; topics; stimulate talk
    • How to develop roles for each member
    • How to use music, movement, to close the meeting

    Validation® techniques gained from watching this DVD will significantly reduce staff burn-out, improve the morale of relatives, and restore dignity to disoriented very old people.

    Validation® Workshop With Naomi Feil
    TV Title: My First Hundred Years

    57 Minutes, Sound, Color

    This dramatic television special presents a workshop conducted by Naomi Feil, nationally recognized expert in helping disoriented very old people. Working with a studio audience, Feil plays all of life's stages from birth to old age. She makes aging profound and exciting. The audience learns how to grow old gracefully, stay mentally aware, and how to help confused relatives and friends. The DVD reveals the wisdom, poetry, and meaning that comes with very old age. $75 for DVD
     Winner of: Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Best Local Programming: Information Category; John Muir Medical Film Festival, Top Aging Award; American Film Festival, Blue Ribbon (Top Award) Mental Health/Guidance; Emmy Award, National Academy of Television Arts and Science, Cleveland Chapter. U.S.I.A. Educational Certificate: 38,559

    Communicating with the Alzheimer's-type Population: The Validation® Method
    Marge, The Blamer, and Muriel, The Wanderer

    19 Minutes

    ( frame from the video ) Marge and Muriel are combined in a 19 minute superb teaching tool. This practical documentary offers caregivers methods for communicating with disoriented very old people (probable Alzheimer's or related disorders). The video addresses how to deal with elderly people who begin making unfair or seemingly irrational accusations against those who care for them. By way of example, the video shows caregivers what to do when an 85 year old woman wanders from home, doesn't recognize her family, and becomes abusive.
     In clear "before" and "after" scenes, Muriel and Marge offer families and staff helping techniques that will reduce burnout for caregivers and stress for the very old person. $75 for DVD

    The Seminar Group

    8 Minutes

    A DVD that demonstrates successful aging. A group of 80 to 100 year old tenants in an independent housing facility tie up loose ends in the seminar group. They face what is-- the losses that come with aging. They review what was-- the pain and joy of living. They accept what can never be-- their unfulfilled dreams. They cry and sing, learning to roll with the punches of living and aging. $75 for DVD

    The Inner World of Aphasia

    24 Minutes

    A dramatic story of the emotions experienced when people cannot express themselves verbally. Excellent for training Hospital and institutional staff to tune in to non-verbal behavior. $75 for DVD
     Winner of: The CINE Gold Eagle; The Atlanta International Film Festival Bronze Medal; The Columbus Film Festival Chris Award.
     U.S.I.A. Educational Certificate: 19,376


    Books on Validation® Therapy

    V/F Validation 3rd Edition® by Naomi Feil, ACSW, Revised with Vicki de Klerk-Rubin

    2015, ISBN-13: 978-0-692-37158-9

    Book Cover Image 2015 Edition

    The 3rd edition recently revised by Vicki de Klerk-Rubin includes the following

    Newly revised Validation Principles have been added

    The list of basic human needs focuses on what is seen in daily practice

    The latest research studies on Validation have been updated

    This book tells how to help disoriented old-old people. It teaches those who care for and about disoriented old-old how to: recognize the signs of disorientation, the physical, emotional and social factors leading to confusion, and how to help confused old- old in each stage.
     The book helps caretakers feel comfortable with disoriented old-old. "There is logic behind the bizarre behavior," writes Naomi Feil, who originated Validation® Therapy in 1963. She helps nursing homes throughout the world implement this therapy to prevent further disorientation and restore dignity.

    Individual copies: $20.00 + $8.50 S&H.
    10 or greater copies: $15.00 + S&H.

    Purchase Nook Digital Edition for $9.99

    Purchase iBook Digital Edition for $9.99

    Purchase Kindle Digital Edition for $9.99

    Order Size

    The Validation® Breakthrough by Naomi Feil, ACSW, and Vicki de Klerk-Rubin, R.N., M.B.A.

    2012, 304 Pages, ISBN 978-1-932529-93-7

    VBreakthrough3rded.jpg The Validation Breakthrough: Simple Techniques for Communicating with People with 'Alzheimer's-Type Dementia' 3rd edition, 2012, 304 Pages. By Naomi Feil and Vicki deKlerk-Rubin, this is the standard reference on Validation.

    Single Copy: $38.99 + $8.50 S&H.
    10 or greater: $30.99 + $8.50 S&H.

    Order Size

    Amazon link to the ebook
    Barns and Nobile link to the ebook
    On iTunes the book is in the following category: Books>Health, Mind & Body> Health & Fitness> Naomi Feil & Vicki de Klerk-Rubin

    Validation Techniques for Dementia Care: The Family Guide to Improving Communication by Vicki de Klerk-Rubin, R.N., M.B.A. Book Cover Image Written especially for family members and friends caring for people with dementia, this practical guidebook offers a solution to commonly faced communication and relationship difficulties. Developed by social worker Naomi Feil and widely practiced around the world, the Validation approach provides caring and empathetic techniques to support meaningful communication and interaction with people with memory impairments.

    2007 (ISBN 978-1-932529-37-1) approx. 128 pages

    Single Copy: $22.95 + $8.50 S&H.

    CD on Validation ® Therapy

    Breaking Through Dementia

    94 Minutes, 2 Audio CDs

    These CDs have been produced by Scott Averill, J.D., CVT®. Scott recorded two workshops led by Naomi Feil in April 1993. From over 12 hours of tape, Scott condensed this tremendous amount of information, to capture the spirit and essence of a Naomi Feil Basic Workshop in two CDs.

    $25.00 plus $8.50 S&H.

    These 2 CDs can be downloaded via for $9.90 ($4.95 for each Disc 1 and 4.95 for Disk 2).

    Health and Safety

    Eye and Face Protection

    Minutes, Audio

    This DVD shows methods of eye and face protection.

    Copies: $45.00 plus $8.50 S&H. For on-line orders, $8.50 S&H.

    Distribuors Discount price: $20.00 plus $8.50 S&H on-line orders orders only.

    Ordering via mail information

    If you have any problems with this web site, please let us know.



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